Learning History and Writing From Scott O’Dell Award-winning Historical Fiction for Kids

I consider myself a fan of historical fiction for children, so a few years ago I checked a list of the winners of the Scott O’Dell Award for Historical Fiction. To my surprise, of the thirty-some winners, I had only read four!

I then challenged myself to read all the winners and to report in my blog-at-the-time what I learned about history and about writing. I only have about five books left.

To make it easy for you, I’ve gathered all my articles to a separate page on this website, and I’ll keep adding to the page as I complete the rest of the books.

The Scott O’Dell award is given each year to an American author for a children’s historical fiction book. If O’Dell’s name sounds familiar, it’s because he wrote The Island of the Blue Dolphins and then a host of other historical novels for kids.

Which Scott O’Dell Award-winning books have you read?