
Deb Watley presents slides of artifacts at a presentation at Endeavor Elementary (Harrisburg, S.D. District). Photo by Jen Sevold.
Photo by Jen Sevold, Endeavor Elementary Librarian (Harrisburg, S.D. District)

Deb Watley is an authentic presenter who knows how to bring a book to life.  Her interactive style with the children was engaging and personable.  She made learning interesting and fun! 

Misti Burns, Librarian at The Tripp County Library Grossenburg Memorial in Winner, S.D.

For schools, homeschool cooperatives, libraries, and families:

In my formal presentation, It’s a Mystery: Archeology and Fiction (30-45 minutes), I teach students what I’ve learned about the science of archeology and the process of researching and writing a novel. This is appropriate for all ages but targeted toward third through fifth graders.

  • $200, plus travel expenses, for one to three presentations without an accompanying book sale
  • $100, plus travel expenses, for one to three sessions with a book sale
  • Online sessions: 20% discount on speaking fee

In my informal, online Ask the Author session (20-30 minutes) readers ask me questions about The Field Notes of Gwen Bell series, archeology, research, and the writing process, etc. $60.